Dental Implant Cost - VOORHEES, NJ

Payment & Financining Affordability Options

How Dental Implants Are The Ideal Investment

If you’re considering replacing your missing teeth with dental implants in Voorhees, NJ, most likely you’re aware that they cost more than other options. It is important to understand that, in most cases, dental implants are the most ideal investment a patient can make in their smile and one that may cost them less in the long-run than popular alternatives. With treatment from an experienced and skilled specialist, dental implants can last the rest of your life, providing you with permanent improvements in your smile’s health, function, and beauty. If you have lost or are about to lose one or more teeth, schedule a consultation with our board-certified periodontists. Together, we can discuss how investing in the long-term health of your smile can ultimately improve your confidence and quality of life—with treatment options you can afford!

Factors Affecting Dental Implant Cost

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Why Choose Advanced Oral Specialty Group?

Surgical Care

Our modern surgical facility contains top-notch dental equipment to provide the most relaxed, most efficient and most minimally invasive experience possible. In order to maximize quality and safety, our implant surgery is performed in a special surgically clean environment and not in a standard dental treatment room, where teeth cleanings and fillings are performed. In addition, we use only implants manufactured in the USA to ensure quality and safety.

Team Of Board-Certified Periodontists

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Our highly experienced periodontists and well-trained professional staff provide the highest quality of care at Advanced Oral Specialty Group. Whether you need multiple teeth or just a single dental implant, we will guide you closely on your treatment plan. Both our periodontists are board-certified and active members of dental associations. Watch this video above on why you should choose your surgeon carefully.


Dental implants fit into the category of restoration dentistry and have their own category of implantology. Because of the specialist training necessary for performing dental implants, a higher fee is usually charged. We offer CareCredit, Proceed Finance, and a personal banking connection for loans. All our dental implants come with a warranty, so no matter what your dental needs are, we are here to provide affordable care and solutions that last for the rest of your life!

Dental Implants FAQ - pricing, Process, Procedure

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Our Patients Tell The Story Best

patient testimonial 1
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Dr. Meltzer, periodontist in Voorhees, with a happy patient.
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Learn How You Can Afford Dental Implants.